Caring for Seniors in Residence
“Now in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t abandon me when my strength is failing…
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.”
Psalm 71:9 and 143:8
Our Mission
To inspire and equip local churches to lovingly adopt and care for the vulnerable elderly by serving as a bridge between seniors’ residences and church communities in Canada.

Our Vision
To see every seniors’ residence in Canada adopted by a local church or churches, where both residents, their families, and staff, through spiritual care, have an opportunity to come to faith and be discipled. As well, the faith community will play an increasing societal role in advocating for the well-being and care of the elderly.
Start Here!

Embrace Ministries is here to inform you of the opportunities and training that is available, and guide you on how you may be able to serve.

Talk with your pastor or church leader about how you and your church can become part of this movement of God in Ottawa,
offering the love of Jesus to the vulnerable elderly in long term care and seniors’
residences. Perhaps your church has already adopted a residence or is considering doing so. Ask the Lord where your ministry will be the greatest blessing.

Embrace Ministries offers practical training to prepare your team to serve. We will be available to come to your church with prepared training modules to support and equip you as you minister to the spiritual and emotional needs of the elderly. In addition, you will receive specific training from the residence where you will be serving, including safety protocols and guidelines.
“Millie, we’re going to have a church service. Come with me and hear about Jesus.” When she hears His name, she smiles and says, “Jesus”. Yes, that’s almost all I can remember Millie saying in three years. She does not sing or quote Bible verses. She just smiles and says, “Jesus” when I speak to her. She’s beautiful!